Monday, November 25, 2019

Longrich Products for Fibroid

Looking for Longrich products for fibroid? If so, this post is for you.

Here are the Longrich products for fibroid below:
  • NutriVRich Pink - (Dosage: 1 daily)
  • Fujian (Alkaline) Cup - (Usage: Daily Use)
  • Cordyceps - (Dosage: 1 before meal, 1 at bedtime)
  • Panty Liner - (Usage: 1-2 times daily)

-Do not use panty liner after having sex until you confirm you are not pregnant 

-The panty liner IS NOT FOR pregnant woman, please. 

Longrich Fibroid Testimonial

13th July, 2019
My name is Tessy, a Nigerian from Imo state but live in Ghana.
I have had fibroid for the past 15years and as at November 2018, I had to undergo Surgery but I refused.The fibroid had grown soo big to the extent that I menstruate for 14days with severe pains and heavy flow of blood throughout the 14days and fibroid were 3 big ones according to scan.
I refused surgery as I had only 2 options; either to loose my life or my womb. Thanks to my Land Lord in Ghana, *Mr. Bennikoi Nikoi* who have been assisting me financially to fund regular hospital bills to maintain the situation.
I resolved to try herbal medicine but couldn't get full... Click HERE to continue reading this Longrich fibroid testimonial.

Now, let us have a background understanding of what fibroid is, the associated causes of it and the Longrich products for effective treatment of fibroid.

What is fibroid?

Fibroid has been defined as:

"abnormal growths that develop in or on a woman's uterus. Sometimes these tumors become quite large and cause severe abdominal pain and heavy periods. In other cases, they cause no signs or symptoms at all. The growths are typically benign, or noncancerous."

Causes of Infertility

The cause of fibroids is unknown.


According to medical experts, around 1 in 3 women with fibroids will experience symptoms.
These may include:
  • heavy, painful periods, also known as menorrhagia
  • anemia from heavy periods
  • lower backache or leg pain
  • constipation
  • discomfort in the lower abdomen, especially in the case of large fibroids
  • frequent urination
  • pain during intercourse, known as dyspareunia
Other possible symptoms include:
  • labor problems
  • pregnancy problems
  • fertility problems
  • repeated miscarriages
If fibroids are large, there may also be weight gain and swelling in the lower abdomen.
Once a fibroid develops, it can continue to grow until menopause. As estrogen levels fall after menopause, the fibroid will usually shrink.

Longrich Products for Fibroid

Here are the Longrich products for fibroid below.
  • NutriVRich Pink - (Dosage: 1 daily)
  • Fujian (Alkaline) Cup - (Usage: Daily Use)
  • Cordyceps - (Dosage: 1 before meal, 1 at bedtime)
  • Panty Liner - (Usage: 1-2 times daily)
-Do not use panty liner after having sex until you confirm you are not pregnant 
-The panty liner IS NOT FOR pregnant woman, please. 

NutriVrich Pink: 90pv Price: N41,200

Solution for:
i) Stroke
ii) High Blood Pressure
iii) Diabetes
iv) Muscle Weakness
v) Male Infertility
vi) Fibroid
vii) Leukemia
viii) Cataract

a. Smoothie made of over 40 fruits and vegetables
b. Rich in phytochemicals and dietary fibres

More Benefits:
c. Rich in antioxidants
d. Suitable for those with high blood sugar and high blood pressure
e. Suitable for those who intend to lose weight.

Cordyceps Militaris: 70PV Price: N34,350

Solution for:
i) Stroke
ii) Diabetes
iii) Muscle Weakness
iv) Impotence
v) Fibroid
vi) Ovarian Tumors
vii) Glaucoma
viii) Cataract
ix) Cholera
x) Cancer
xi) Prostate Cancer
xii) Syphilis
xiii) AIDS

a. Used to treat a wide range of infections especially long term infections such as asthma and pains.
b. Effective against most tumours
c. Protects the major organs: kidney, liver, heart and lungs
d. Powerful natural antibiotics

Alkaline Cup: Fujian/Pi Cup: 45PV Price: N23,000

Solution for:
i) Stroke
ii) High Blood Pressure
iii) Diabetes
iv) Fibroid
v) Leukemia
vi) Cholera
vii) Prostate Cancer
viii) Syphilis
ix) AIDS

a. Purifies water you drink and converts it to alkaline
b. Emulsifies fat and enhances weight loss
c. Reduces blood cholesterol
d. Energises; suitable for athletes

More Benefits:
e. Eliminates excess free radicals within the body.
f. Enhances oxidation resistance and delays the aging process.
g. Enhances immunity, prevent diseases and protect the liver.
h. It clears drunk no matter how much u drink. 

i. It clears smoke and prevents cancer. 

Panty Liner (Carton): 
50PV Price: N24,480

Panty Liner - Solution for:
i) Diabetes
ii) Arthritis
iii) Rheumatism
iv) Female Infertility
v) Menstrual Discomfort
vi) Fibroid
vii) Glaucoma
viii) Prostate Cancer

a. Preserves health
b. Relieves menstrual pain
c. Cures toilet infections, STDs and itching
d. Anti-bacterial
e. Anti-inflammatory: treats boils and inflammations
f. Shrinks fibroid and takes care of other gynaecological diseases
g. Eliminates odour
h. Promotes metabolism
i. Improves endocrine / glandular function
j. Enhances immunity
k. Relieves stress

-Do not use panty liner after having sex until you confirm you are not pregnant 
-The panty liner IS NOT FOR pregnant woman, please. 

Click HERE to ORDER Now.

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