Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Longrich Products for Arthritis

Looking for Longrich products for arthritis? If so, this post is for you.

Here are the Longrich products for arthritis below:
  • Calcium (Dosage: 1-3 times daily for adults
  • Arthro SupReviver (Dosage: 2-2 times daily)
  • Panty Liner (Usage: 1-2 times daily)

-Do not use panty liner after having sex until you confirm you are not pregnant 

-The panty liner IS NOT FOR pregnant woman, please. 

Now, let us have a background understanding of what arthritis is, the associated causes of it and the Longrich products for effective treatment of arthritis.

What is arthritis?

Arthritis has been defined as:

"an inflammation of the joints. It can affect one joint or multiple joints. There are more than 200 different types of arthritis, with different causes and treatment methods. Two of the most common types are osteoarthritis (OA) and rheumatoid arthritis (RA)."

Put differently, arthritis means joint inflammation, but the term is used to describe around 200 conditions that affect joints, the tissues that surround the joint, and other connective tissue. It is a rheumatic condition. The most common form of arthritis is osteoarthritis.

Causes of Arthritis

Medical experts agree that there is no single cause of all types of arthritis. The cause or causes vary according to the type or form of arthritis.
Possible causes may include:
  • injury, leading to degenerative arthritis
  • abnormal metabolism, leading to gout and pseudogout
  • inheritance, such as in osteoarthritis
  • infections, such as in the arthritis of Lyme disease
  • immune system dysfunction, such as in RA and SLE
Most types of arthritis are linked to a combination of factors, but some have no obvious cause and appear to be unpredictable in their emergence.
Some people may be genetically more likely to develop certain arthritic conditions. Additional factors, such as previous injury, infection, smoking and physically demanding occupations, can interact with genes to further increase the risk of arthritis.
Diet and nutrition can play a role in managing arthritis and the risk of arthritis, although specific foods, food sensitivities or intolerances are not known to cause arthritis.
Foods that increase inflammation, particularly animal-derived foods and diets high in refined sugar, can make symptoms worse, as can eating foods that provoke an immune system response.

Longrich Products for Arthritis

Here are the Longrich products for arthritis below.
  • Calcium (Usage: 1-3 times daily for adults
  • Arthro SupReviver (Usage: 2-2 times daily)
  • Panty Liner (Usage: 1-2 times daily)
-Do not use panty liner after having sex until you confirm you are not pregnant 
-The panty liner IS NOT FOR pregnant woman, please. 

Calcium: 13.75 PV Price: N4,900

Solution for:
i) High Blood Pressure
ii) Diabetes
iii) Arthritis
iv) Rheumatism
v) Tooth Ache

a. Strengthens the bones and teeth
b. Chewable and suitable for the entire family

Arthro SupReviver: 22.5 PV Price: N8,500

Solution for:
i) Stroke
ii) Diabetes
iii) Arthritis
iv) Rheumatism
v) Muscle Weakness


Lubricates joints, suitable for people suffering from arthritis and rheumatism.

Panty Liner (Carton): 
50PV Price: N24,480

Panty Liner - Solution for:
i) Diabetes
ii) Arthritis
iii) Rheumatism
iv) Female Infertility
v) Menstrual Discomfort
vi) Fibroid
vii) Glaucoma
viii) Prostate Cancer

a. Preserves health
b. Relieves menstrual pain
c. Cures toilet infections, STDs and itching
d. Anti-bacterial
e. Anti-inflammatory: treats boils and inflammations
f. Shrinks fibroid and takes care of other gynaecological diseases
g. Eliminates odour
h. Promotes metabolism
i. Improves endocrine / glandular function
j. Enhances immunity
k. Relieves stress

-Do not use panty liner after having sex until you confirm you are not pregnant 
-The panty liner IS NOT FOR pregnant woman, please. 

Click HERE to ORDER Now.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Longrich Products for Arthritis - Checkout

Welcome to the order page of Longrich Products for Arthritis. Please find below the price list of the Longrich products plus your discount and bonuses.

Longrich Products for Arthritis Or Joint Inflammation 

If You Make Payment Within the next 12hrs

Arthro SupReviver
Panty Liner (Not for pregnant women)


14% OFF

Enjoy Discount of 14% and MORE!
As a first-time buyer of Longrich products on this site, you have qualified for the following discounts and extra exclusive bonuses.

1. Order and make payment within the next 12 hours for our Longrich products for arthritis and get a whooping 14% discount instantly.

2. Order and make payment within the next 12 hours for our Longrich products for arthritis and get our Mosquito Repellent valued at N1,200 FREE!

3. Order our products for yourself, make payment within the next 12 hours, also REFER a FRIEND to us and get our Mosquito Repellent PLUS Toothpaste both valued at N3,000 FREE!!! 

4. If you do not buy from us but Refer a Friend to buy from us, you also get our Mosquito Repellent valued at N1,200 FREE! 

5. You also get our Health Care Specialized Counselling / Support FOR ONE WHOLE YEAR valued at N150,000 to help you bounce back to good health faster for FREE!

That's our little way of saying "thanks for doing business with us and please visit again".

Terms of Discounts and Bonuses

In order for you to qualify for the discount and bonuses listed above, you must meet the following conditions:

1. You must make payment within the next 12 hours after sending in your order.

2. The person you refer to us must make payment within the next 12 hours after sending in his/her order.

3. If you choose Cash on Delivery Payment Method, you must be ready with cash in hand to make payment when we deliver the products to your "doorsteps" to qualify for our Mosquito Repellent and Toothpaste special first-time order bonuses.

NOTE: If you prefer to see the products first before making payment and opt for Cash on Delivery payment methodyou will lose the discount of 14% instantly and be required to pay the sum of N37,880 for the products IN FULL

Payment Methods We Accept
Here are the payment methods we accept:

1. Cash BEFORE Delivery - through bank deposit, online transfer, mobile transfer, etc.
2. Cash ON Delivery - you make payment in person by cash when we deliver the ordered products to you at your "doorsteps".

Our Official Longrich Bank Details
Here are our official Longrich bank details below.

Name of Bank1: Zenith Bank
Account Number: 1012908177

Name of Bank2: First Bank

Account Number: 2029027217 

NOTE: You will need to choose the Cash BEFORE Delivery payment option and make payment within the next 12 hours of sending in your order to qualify for the whooping discount of 14% instantly.

More Bonuses for YOU!

BUT that's not all! 

I will also throw in my special don't-even-go-there plug and play bonuses and special incentives that would do wonders to your bank account within the next 30 days - guaranteed! 

What's in Store for YOU! 

1. Order our Longrich products for arthritis for yourself and you instantly become a Silver Member of our international company FOR LIFE. Silver members enjoy 8% commission on purchases done through their recommendation EVERY WEEK.

2. Refer a Friend to us and you instantly become a Silver Member of our international company FOR LIFE. Silver members enjoy 8% commission on purchases done through their recommendation EVERY WEEK. 

3. Order our Longrich products for arthritis for yourself and Refer a Friend and you instantly become a Gold Member of our international company FOR LIFE. Gold members enjoy 10% commission on purchases done through their recommendation EVERY WEEK. 

4. Order from us continuously every month and enjoy 25% to 50% retail order bonus on repeat purchases of our superb and life-transforming food and health supplements as many times as you buy from us. 

5. Buy our products consistently for 12 consecutive months and you instantly qualify for a 1% share of our international company's sales proceeds in over 190 countries of the world. 

6. Buy our products consistently for 24 consecutive months or refer others to buy from us for that period and you instantly qualify for a brand new car worth N3.5m. No jokes!

7. Buy our products consistently for 36 consecutive months or refer others to buy from us and you instantly qualify for an all-expense paid trip abroad fully sponsored by our Longrich international company. 

And so much more!!! 

So, what are you waiting for?

Send In Your Order NOW!

Health is wealth. So, take advantage of this wonderful opportunity TODAY! 

And please do not be selfish. Share this awesome opportunity with others so that they can benefit too. 

Honestly, the greatest good you can do this season is to help a friend, relative or colleague of yours overcome that health challenge he or she has been having all these years. 

So, go ahead and get started right away! 

Note: Limited Quantities Available!


Only 10 of our unique Mosquito Repellents and Toothpastes are available to give away for free. 

Right now there are thousands of other Nigerians like you who are seeing this Longrich products for arthritis advert. 

You know what that means, don't you? 

And we cannot guarantee that we will have more of these free box-full products to give away once the ones we have are exhausted. 

So, HURRY and get yours RIGHT AWAY! 



Click the link below to send us your order message on Whatsapp right now.  

Or, you can call/sms or send us your order on Whatsapp chat message on 07018665923.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Longrich Products for Fibroid

Looking for Longrich products for fibroid? If so, this post is for you.

Here are the Longrich products for fibroid below:
  • NutriVRich Pink - (Dosage: 1 daily)
  • Fujian (Alkaline) Cup - (Usage: Daily Use)
  • Cordyceps - (Dosage: 1 before meal, 1 at bedtime)
  • Panty Liner - (Usage: 1-2 times daily)

-Do not use panty liner after having sex until you confirm you are not pregnant 

-The panty liner IS NOT FOR pregnant woman, please. 

Longrich Fibroid Testimonial

13th July, 2019
My name is Tessy, a Nigerian from Imo state but live in Ghana.
I have had fibroid for the past 15years and as at November 2018, I had to undergo Surgery but I refused.The fibroid had grown soo big to the extent that I menstruate for 14days with severe pains and heavy flow of blood throughout the 14days and fibroid were 3 big ones according to scan.
I refused surgery as I had only 2 options; either to loose my life or my womb. Thanks to my Land Lord in Ghana, *Mr. Bennikoi Nikoi* who have been assisting me financially to fund regular hospital bills to maintain the situation.
I resolved to try herbal medicine but couldn't get full... Click HERE to continue reading this Longrich fibroid testimonial.

Now, let us have a background understanding of what fibroid is, the associated causes of it and the Longrich products for effective treatment of fibroid.

What is fibroid?

Fibroid has been defined as:

"abnormal growths that develop in or on a woman's uterus. Sometimes these tumors become quite large and cause severe abdominal pain and heavy periods. In other cases, they cause no signs or symptoms at all. The growths are typically benign, or noncancerous."

Causes of Infertility

The cause of fibroids is unknown.


According to medical experts, around 1 in 3 women with fibroids will experience symptoms.
These may include:
  • heavy, painful periods, also known as menorrhagia
  • anemia from heavy periods
  • lower backache or leg pain
  • constipation
  • discomfort in the lower abdomen, especially in the case of large fibroids
  • frequent urination
  • pain during intercourse, known as dyspareunia
Other possible symptoms include:
  • labor problems
  • pregnancy problems
  • fertility problems
  • repeated miscarriages
If fibroids are large, there may also be weight gain and swelling in the lower abdomen.
Once a fibroid develops, it can continue to grow until menopause. As estrogen levels fall after menopause, the fibroid will usually shrink.

Longrich Products for Fibroid

Here are the Longrich products for fibroid below.
  • NutriVRich Pink - (Dosage: 1 daily)
  • Fujian (Alkaline) Cup - (Usage: Daily Use)
  • Cordyceps - (Dosage: 1 before meal, 1 at bedtime)
  • Panty Liner - (Usage: 1-2 times daily)
-Do not use panty liner after having sex until you confirm you are not pregnant 
-The panty liner IS NOT FOR pregnant woman, please. 

NutriVrich Pink: 90pv Price: N41,200

Solution for:
i) Stroke
ii) High Blood Pressure
iii) Diabetes
iv) Muscle Weakness
v) Male Infertility
vi) Fibroid
vii) Leukemia
viii) Cataract

a. Smoothie made of over 40 fruits and vegetables
b. Rich in phytochemicals and dietary fibres

More Benefits:
c. Rich in antioxidants
d. Suitable for those with high blood sugar and high blood pressure
e. Suitable for those who intend to lose weight.

Cordyceps Militaris: 70PV Price: N34,350

Solution for:
i) Stroke
ii) Diabetes
iii) Muscle Weakness
iv) Impotence
v) Fibroid
vi) Ovarian Tumors
vii) Glaucoma
viii) Cataract
ix) Cholera
x) Cancer
xi) Prostate Cancer
xii) Syphilis
xiii) AIDS

a. Used to treat a wide range of infections especially long term infections such as asthma and pains.
b. Effective against most tumours
c. Protects the major organs: kidney, liver, heart and lungs
d. Powerful natural antibiotics

Alkaline Cup: Fujian/Pi Cup: 45PV Price: N23,000

Solution for:
i) Stroke
ii) High Blood Pressure
iii) Diabetes
iv) Fibroid
v) Leukemia
vi) Cholera
vii) Prostate Cancer
viii) Syphilis
ix) AIDS

a. Purifies water you drink and converts it to alkaline
b. Emulsifies fat and enhances weight loss
c. Reduces blood cholesterol
d. Energises; suitable for athletes

More Benefits:
e. Eliminates excess free radicals within the body.
f. Enhances oxidation resistance and delays the aging process.
g. Enhances immunity, prevent diseases and protect the liver.
h. It clears drunk no matter how much u drink. 

i. It clears smoke and prevents cancer. 

Panty Liner (Carton): 
50PV Price: N24,480

Panty Liner - Solution for:
i) Diabetes
ii) Arthritis
iii) Rheumatism
iv) Female Infertility
v) Menstrual Discomfort
vi) Fibroid
vii) Glaucoma
viii) Prostate Cancer

a. Preserves health
b. Relieves menstrual pain
c. Cures toilet infections, STDs and itching
d. Anti-bacterial
e. Anti-inflammatory: treats boils and inflammations
f. Shrinks fibroid and takes care of other gynaecological diseases
g. Eliminates odour
h. Promotes metabolism
i. Improves endocrine / glandular function
j. Enhances immunity
k. Relieves stress

-Do not use panty liner after having sex until you confirm you are not pregnant 
-The panty liner IS NOT FOR pregnant woman, please. 

Click HERE to ORDER Now.

Longrich Fibroids Testimony

Here is an awesome fibroid testimony by a Nigerian lady living in Ghana which was posted on Facebook on 14th July 2019 in the Longrich Passive Income page. 


13th July, 2019
My name is Tessy, a Nigerian from Imo state but live in Ghana.
I have had fibroid for the past 15years and as at November 2018, I had to undergo Surgery but I refused.The fibroid had grown soo big to the extent that I menstruate for 14days with severe pains and heavy flow of blood throughout the 14days and fibroid were 3 big ones according to scan.
I refused surgery as I had only 2 options; either to loose my life or my womb. Thanks to my Land Lord in Ghana, *Mr. Bennikoi Nikoi* who have been assisting me financially to fund regular hospital bills to maintain the situation.

I resolved to try herbal medicine but couldn't get full solution. My friends and family in Nigeria had preached Longrich supplements to me years back but I had put deaf ears to their numerous stories as I never believed the testimonies they shared untill I met a student leader from PGW-GHANA called Victoria who invited me to the 4th anniversary of Longrich Ghana on 30th June, 2019. After the numerous presentations including product presentation by qualified medical practitioners (Dr. Amoh of Korlebu teaching Hospital), I decided to follow Victoria to the office to learn more about the products and the business opportunities.

I started with *Longrich Codycep Capsules, Alkaline Cup, Panty Linear and Sanitary Pad for my Fibrod* on Friday 5th July, 2019 as my menstruation begun.
As at 9th July, 2019 (4days later), the fibroid had dropped, my fat Tommy had reduced, I went through my menstruation without any pain and as at 12th July, 2019, my menstruation had ceased. I felt very relieved.
I taught they were telling me stories like all other persons do to promote their products but for this one, it is indeed a *_Better Life and a Better Future_*.
Thanks to Longrich International for creating such a life changing products, the visionary chairman Zu.
Now, I want to be a 100% ambassador for Longrich.